Decoded Pride
Decoded Pride is a story-a-day anthology of queer science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories and comics by queer creators released to subscribers every day of Pride month. Our eclectic speculative anthology is unified by only one thing: the queerness of our stories and creators.
Pride is a time of year when people who might not otherwise think of queer folks suddenly do. Big corporations cash in on Pride. So, we decided why not try to spread some of that sweet dough around to independent queer creators while honoring the rebellious, anti-fascist history of Pride?
Publishing can be resistant to queer stories by queer creators–that’s why we created Decoded Pride: to show off the talent in our communities and to create a space for queer folks to build community as creators, while providing entertainment to queer audiences and our allies. Finally, we aim to prove that there’s a market for queer stories by queer creators.
For queer folks and allies, Decoded represents an opportunity to celebrate Pride virtually and support independent queer creators directly. For genre lovers, Decoded provides brilliant, mind-bending stories about queer folks living their wildest queer lives. For queer genre lovers, c’mon. We made this for you. Need we say more?
To subscribe to Decoded Pride and support independent, queer art today, make sure to check out the Queer Spec store where you can pre-order Issue #3 (2022) and buy subscriptions to both Issue #1 (2020) and Issue #2 (2021), now available in full-color PDF and eBook formats.
Learn more about our editorial team and what we each look for in speculative fiction.